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Response Formatting

Read the following sections in the Basic Usage chapter first for the basics on response formatting:

Basic concepts on response formatting:

  • APIFlask uses marshmallow to handle the response formatting.
  • The response data returned by the view function will only be formatting against your schema, not validating.
  • You can only declare one output (use one app.output decorator) for the JSON response body.
  • The error responses of your view can be declared with app.doc(response=...).

Pagination support

APIFlask provides two utilies for pagination:

The PaginationSchema is a schema that contains the general fields for pagination information.

The pagination_builder is a helper function to generate pagination data for the PaginationSchema.

To add pagination support to our pet store example. First, we create a schema for query strings:

from apiflask import Schema
from apiflask.fields import Integer
from apiflask.validators import Range

class PetQuery(Schema):
    page = Integer(load_default=1)  # set default page to 1
    # set default value to 20, and make sure the value is less than 30
    per_page = Integer(load_default=20, validate=Range(max=30))

Then we create a pet output schema, and a pets schema that contains a list of nested PetOut schema, and a nested PaginationSchema schema.

from apiflask import Schema, PaginationSchema
from apiflask.fields import Integer, String, List, Nested

class PetOut(Schema):
    id = Integer()
    name = String()
    category = String()

class PetsOut(Schema):
    pets = List(Nested(PetOut))
    pagination = Nested(PaginationSchema)

Now we use these schemas in our get_pets view:

from apiflask import APIFlask, pagination_builder

@app.input(PetQuery, location='query')
def get_pets(query):
    pagination = PetModel.query.paginate(
    pets = pagination.items
    return {
        'pets': pets,
        'pagination': pagination_builder(pagination)

In the return value of the view function, we use pagination_builder to build the pagination data and passes the pagination object provided by Flask-SQLAlchemy.

This function is designed based on Flask-SQLAlchemy's Pagination class. If you are using a different or custom pagination class, make sure the passed pagination object has the following attributes:

  • page
  • per_page
  • pages
  • total
  • next_num
  • has_next
  • prev_num
  • has_prev

You can also write a custom builder function and pagination schema to build your custom pagination data.

See the full example for more details.

Response examples

You can set response examples for OpenAPI spec with the example and examples parameters, see this section in the OpenAPI Generating chapter for more details.

Dict schema

When passing the schema to app.output, you can also use a dict instead of a schema class:

from apiflask.fields import Integer

@app.output({'answer': Integer(dump_default=42)})
def get_answer():
    return {'answer': 'Nothing'}

The dict schema's name will be something like "Generated". To specify a schema name, use the schema_name parameter:

from apiflask.fields import Integer

@app.output({'answer': Integer(dump_default=42)}, schema_name='Answer')
def get_answer():
    return {'answer': 'Nothing'}

However, we recommend creating a schema class whenever possible to make the code easy to read and reuse.